DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-94-102
The relevance of the topic is due to the difficulties students experience when solving stereometric tasks. This is evidenced by the annual results of the unified state examination in mathematics of the profile level. Over the past decade, with the development of modern information technologies, numerous attempts have been made to improve the effectiveness of teaching geometry at school through the introduction of interactive environments that provide various visibility functions on lessons and in extracurricular math classes. Among the modern available digital programs that allow you to build and transform geometric objects interactively, the GeoGebra environment is in increasing demand among teachers and researchers. However, analyzing Russian-language printed and electronic publications, we can conclude that the issue of using GeoGebra in solving positional stereometric tasks is not fully disclosed. The article considers the features of solving positional tasks using the Geogebra 5.0 environment when teaching image methods to future mathematics teachers at a pedagogical institute and at geometry lessons in high school. The article focuses on the advantages of using GeoGebra in teaching the construction of spatial shapes and their sections in comparison with traditional training. The necessary tools of the Geogebra 5.0 environment are described in detail using the example of solving the task of constructing a polyhedron section by a plane in various ways.
Keywords: GeoGebra, methods of teaching geometry, visualization of geometric objects, development of spatial thinking, positional tasks, methods for constructing cross sections of polyhedra, the method of traces, inner projection method
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 94 — 102
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