DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-4-103-110
The article presents the author’s view on the training of qualified specialists for agricultural production. The economic and managerial training of qualified specialists for agricultural production is considered taking into account the World Skills Russia standard in the field of training “Agricultural mechanization” using the example of secondary vocational education. The author describes the model of training qualified specialists in the specialization «Agricultural Mechanization». The specification of the World Skills standard on the competence “Operation of agricultural machines” is given. The introduction of this specification in the educational process of OGBPOU «Tomsk Agrarian College» is described. The process of organizing training sessions is considered. The connection of teaching with life, with agricultural production is not only the use of materials about the historical path of agricultural science and practice, but the consideration of an urgent issue as the need for knowledge of the economy, organization and planning of agricultural production. The teacher’s task is to apply economic knowledge in practice, for example, in the study of agricultural machinery, that is, machines and mechanisms, to be able to determine the effectiveness of the use of machines, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. Thus, in the matter of training students, it is important that the content of classes include specific material aimed at developing students’ interest in their chosen specialty.
Keywords: secondary vocational education, qualified specialists, economic management training, agriculture, standard specification, theoretical training, intersubject communications, production training
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 103 — 110
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