DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-111-120
Modern education is focused on the formation of a new way of thinking of students, of professional competencies in the field of pedagogical, project, research and cultural and educational activities, which involves the use of various forms and methods of work, a variety of educational scenarios. This content has certain requirements for the educational environment. In this regard, an attempt was made to study students’ perceptions of the impact of the educational environment of the University on the formation of their professional competencies, which is important in the development of educational policies of specific universities, as well as to assess the effectiveness of the introduction of new educational practices. As the main criteria for studying the University environment, the article considers: subject-spatial factors in the development and personalization of the University environment (organization of educational space, organization of library space, organization of informal interaction and cooperation space); the effectiveness of intellectual and creative activity of students in the University space; factors of the educational environment that affect the formation of professional competencies of students and graduates of pedagogical universities. The study shows that: an important condition of formation of professional competence is the professionalism of the teacher; the comfort of the subject environment of the University positively affects the perception of the University environment with respect to the University and the activities which it carried; student involvement in University activities is becoming one of the motivating factors that determine the quality and outcome of student learning, influencing the «entry» into the profession, interest in profession, professional development.
Keywords: professional competencies, educational environment university, influence on the formation of professional competencies
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 111 — 120
Downloads: 664