DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-129-137
The article uncovers the conceptual approaches to interpreting of personal selfdetermination. The fundamental statements, as the authors state, continue to be relevant from the modern scientific point of view. The authors assume that this notion research results may steer the direction of further research of the personal self-determination characteristics within the inclusive education field. The given object/process phenomenon is in focus of philosophical, sociological and pedagogical studies. The contexts of each of those sciences are used to address the actual complex tasks of the research. The discussion touching different philosophical concepts is based on the speculation in regards to: what it the level of personal freedom impact on the professional growth of a person, how do the external social circumstances affect the personal choices, how do family, personal and social factors of the past affect the behavioral strategies. The sociological approach evaluates the specifics of selfdetermination as an element of goal-establishment and a social role-based behavior. The psychological approach defines the procedural characteristics of self-determination and its determining internal factors. The personal and subject-behavioral psychological approaches are the most productive bases in considering the issue of the self-determination for people with limiting life circumstances during the period of their professional establishment in the inclusive educational environment.
Keywords: personality, personal self-determination, positive psychology, education, professional education, personal potential, inclusive education
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 129 — 137
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