DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2020-5-157-163
The study is devoted to the urgent problem of identifying psychological factors for pregnancy maintenance in women who are pregnant having special somatic conditions (HIV infection). During the research a comparative analysis of indicators of the psycho-emotional state, the motives for maintaining pregnancy, women’s attitude towards themselves and their perceived health status between groups of women with physiologically normal pregnancy and with the threatened miscarriage was conducted. The psychological factors of maintaining a healthy pregnancy in women with HIV infection were established. At the level of clinical indicators, these were the absence of abortions and missed pregnancies in medical history. At the level of social indicators, the factor was a registered marriage as a marital status. At the level of psychological indicators – the absence of depressive mood, of high aggressiveness and frustration; acceptance of the pregnancy; rejection of the motive for pregnancy maintenance characterized by the desire to achieve a new social status and satisfy the need for love, support, attention and care; high value of oneself and high value of the child himself/herself; high assessment of the health status and the bodily resources for healing. The results can be used to develop a differentiated program to prevent the development of the threated miscarriage in women with HIV infection for antenatal clinics of maternity hospitals and center for AIDS prevention and control.
Keywords: psycho-emotional and personal characteristics of pregnant women, psychological factors of pregnancy maintenance, HIV infection, threatened miscarriage
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Issue: 5, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 157 — 163
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