DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-31-40
The article analyzes the modern requirements for the rural educational organization, which actualize the need for socio-cultural modernization, as well as the ability of rural schools to meet these requirements. The need for new ways to improve the quality of education in rural schools, taking into account their characteristics, has been actualized. Revealed and described the content of resilience of modern educational organizations, as well as the criteria of resilience (availability, quality, efficiency). The technologies for the formation of resilience are presented as a set of mechanisms for organizing the educational process and its resource provision, taking into account the specifics of a particular school in order to effectively implement high-quality and affordable educational services. The necessity of solving specific problems related to: modernization of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of of General Education; the formation of the necessary resource support for the educational process; creation of personnel conditions for the implementation of the educational process; ensuring the design and implementation of the school management strategy and its interaction with the external environment, is substantiated. The technologies for the formation of the resilience of rural schools (design and implementation of management strategies and interaction with the external environment; organization of the educational process; formation of management and pedagogical teams for the development of the human resource of a rural school) are presented.
Keywords: rural school, resilient school, resilience formation technologies, external and internal factors of influence, educational process, management and pedagogical teams, involvement of participants in educational relations, effective mode of school development
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 31 — 40
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