DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-98-104
The article substantiates the importance of pedagogical stimulation educational activities of students, which is due to the trends of modern higher education, namely the idea of continuing education. Despite the sufficient degree of development of issues of pedagogical stimulation and activation of educational activities, this problem does not find a comprehensive solution in relation to higher education. In the activity of a teacher, in addition to the implementation of educational, educational, and developmental functions, a special place is occupied by a stimulating function. This is evidenced by the theoretical analysis of the works of classics of Russian pedagogy. The study of the experiences of scientists and analysis of own pedagogical activity allowed us to offer a comprehensive approach to the pedagogical stimulation of educational activity of student: application of enabling methods and technologies of training, the implementation of stimulating activities and educational incentives. The article defines the stimulating actions of the teacher at each stage of practical training at the University (introductory, main, final) and the pedagogical incentives used by them. Stimulating actions of the teacher encourage productive joint educational process of students and teachers. Comprehensive stimulation of educational activities will contribute to the formation of the subject position of students, the formation of a positive emotional and value attitude to the learning process, improve the quality of education, and act as a factor in the development of the ability to self-development and self-education.
Keywords: pedagogical stimulation, educational activities, stimulating function of the teacher, stimulating actions, pedagogical incentives
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 98 — 104
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