DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-115-123
The urgency of the search and testing of new forms of additional professional education of teachers of small rural small-scale educational organizations, in particular, the format of the Summer Pedagogical School is proved. The generalized characteristics of materials and research methods are present. The historical prerequisites of the format, the origins of which were found in teachers’ congresses and courses for rural teachers in Russia in the 19th century, are substantiated, as well as the fundamental provisions due to the traditions of Russian education. The theoretical-methodological and scientific-practical foundations of the content of the educational program and the main educational modules have been determined. The central line of the educational program of the summer pedagogical school is noted – this is continuous education as a way of professional and personal formation and development of a rural teacher. Examples of topics and block structuring of educational programs from the experience of summer schools in different years are given. The priority educational technologies and features of the content-organizational order of the summer pedagogical school are presented. Some conclusions about the effectiveness of the format of the summer pedagogical school are formulated. The material of the research was the works of: Russian educators of the 19th – early 20th centuries; modern researchers of the socio-cultural educational situation in rural areas of Russia, a rural small-numbered small educational organization, the professional activities of a rural teacher; domestic and foreign specialists in the field of continuing teacher education; professional training, formation and development of rural school teachers. The sources are the results of the laboratory of the theory and practice of rural school development at Petrozavodsk State University, the Karelian Institute for Education Development and the Association of Rural Schools of the Republic of Karelia, on the initiative and with the support of which the LPS was tested. Accordingly, the main research methods were historical and pedagogical analysis, theoretical analysis, experimental and practical work.
Keywords: rural school, rural teacher, additional professional pedagogical education, summer pedagogical school, continuing pedagogical education
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 115 — 123
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