DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-124-128
Social and communicative competence of a person is the most important feature of every individual in the modern world. The improvement of this quality formed the basis for the formation of innovative ideas, advanced technologies, modern theories, and neo-methods. Social and communicative competence of a person is an integral ability of an individual to build correct, rational, effective, successful formation of contacts with other people, and is also included in the concept of “human culture”. In the modern world, the purpose of the development of this ability is not so much the replacement of “natural” experience with another, more effective one, but also the organization, more precisely, assistance in selforganization of more effective ways of mastering the wealth of communicative culture. The article reveals the essence of the social and communicative competence of a person, its components, levels of development; characteristic features of people with this communication skill are indicated. The development of a person’s social and communicative competence is carried out using various methods and technologies; the study presents the methods of its formation. The theoretical significance of the study is determined by the identification of new problems of inhibition of the development of social and communicative competence of the individual. The practical significance of the article is due to the possibility of using new methods for the development of this quality.
Keywords: personality, communicative competence, behavior, culture, social role, morality
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 124 — 128
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