DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-152-159
The article deals with the problems of education and assessment of students during the pandemic. The main tasks of higher education with the transition to distance learning are identified. The world approaches and methods of studying and evaluating the development of individual human capital are studied. The degree of efficiency and types of human capital are analyzed. Definitions that establish the basic concept of human capital development in the world are considered. The article describes an original method of using a computer program and database to determine the development of individual human capital of a student using screenshots, which increases the visibility of the experiment among students of 1–4 years of study. The main criteria included in the human capital required for a comprehensive assessment of the development of students’ human capital are disclosed. The testing was held among students at the Academy of psychology and pedagogy of the southern Federal University. According to the research, conclusions are made: using the results data issued by the computer program, the individual trajectory of students ‘ human capital development is studied, with the results saved in the database. In the future, this will contribute to the favorable development of human capital in the country as a whole, namely, the development of innovations, increasing labor productivity, and mastering the necessary production or management skills.
Keywords: computer program, database, human capital, higher education, student
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 152 — 159
Downloads: 717