DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-160-171
The article examines the role of image for training future teachers-choreographers at the Institute of Culture and Arts. The modern period of Russian development has indicated the necessity of updating the key priorities in the system of professional training, including the sphere of culture and art. Modernization of education inevitably results in updating of teachers’ qualifications with an accent on universal and generic skills including both professional and pedagogical competencies which are important for any teacher to function efficiently, including teachers of choreography. Hence, the professional image as an important qualification of any teacher becomes not only a significant but also marketable professional skill that can greatly increase the pedagogical effectiveness. At the same time, developing a professional image is a long and difficult process and it is the product of self-knowledge and self-development. In this regard, developing a positive image of a person becomes an urgent problem not only for the politics and business, but also in teachers’ activity, including the teachers of culture and art, whose task is to train highly qualified and competitive specialists. The characteristics of the concepts “image”, “professional image”, “image structure” are introduced. It is shown that image reflects a certain style of new social behavior and it can directly influence the training of future teachers-choreographers contributing to its success. The article presents the empirical research results concerning the role of image in the professional activity of teachers of choreographic disciplines who train future teacherschoreographers. The article examines the attitude of students to issues of their own image and the image of teachers on the example of the Institute of Culture and Arts. Based on this research results, some changes have been made to the curriculum of the discipline “Psychology and Pedagogy of Choreographic Art (Pedagogy)”.
Keywords: image, personal image, professional image, image of a teacher, image structure, competence, teacher-choreographer
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 160 — 171
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