DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-199-213
The introduction of universal primary education in the activities of the State Duma of the Russian Empire was for a long time not under the attention of the researchers, and interest in the topic increased due to the restoration of parliamentary traditions and deep reform of the education system. Historical sources show that at the beginning of the XX century, this issue was probably the only one that did not cause disagreements between political parties. But it was never resolved because of the six years of discussions between the factions in the State Duma, the Duma and the Council of State, the Parliament and the Government on related issues – the mandatory or granting of the right to receive primary education, the amount of funding and the nature of the management of Ministerial and Church schools, the language of teaching in primary schools in areas with non-Russian populations, about the role of local governments in the development of school Affairs, and others. The First State Duma, owing to its short existence, was unable to consider the draft law on the introduction of universal primary education, the Second Duma began its work, but its early dissolution did not allow any significant decisions to be taken on the issue. The Third State Duma was the only one in the pre-revolutionary history of Russia that lasted a full term of office, and the results of its activities in the field of education gave it the name “Duma of national education”. More than 300 legislative initiatives in the field of science and education were considered, including 15 draft laws on primary education, and additional allocations for primary schools increased by almost 40 million rubles a year. But the bill passed by the Duma on the introduction of universal primary education did not pass in the State Council. The Deputies of the fourth convocation again discussed the content of the draft developed by the Third Duma. The main cause of the conflicts was the issue of parochial schools. The last time in the history of the Duma a bill was introduced by the Minister of Public Education, P. N. Ignatiev, on 28 August 1916, but the decision on it was never made. However, during the years of operation of the State Duma, unprecedented resources have been allocated for the development of primary education, the training of teachers, the salaries of teachers and the construction of new schools, and public spending on schools almost doubled.
Keywords: universal primary education, primary education, primary schools, elementary schools, the State Duma, the Russian Empire
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 199 — 213
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