DOI: 10.23951/2307–6127-2020-6-214-219
The article is devoted to the issues of adaptation to new conditions of existing employees who are undergoing initial training at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The relevance of the study is substantiated, due to the fact that during the period of adaptation, the social and mental maturation of the personality takes place through the prism of the main directions of adaptation, which are taken into account both in the service and educational activities. The concept of social and psychological adaptation of students is presented, which consists in mastering the system of official and unofficial relations, the formation of an active life position of an educational institution, primary team and profession. The conditions that students face in the framework of statutory relations are considered. The main directions of optimization of socio-psychological adaptation in a paramilitary collective are revealed: the corresponding development of students with a professional orientation; correction of motivational orientation to achieve success; optimization of mutual understanding in relations with teachers; predicting the adaptation of listeners to the governing bodies, the impact on its progress according to the forecast the formation of students’ psychological attitude towards self-education, the development of management activities; using the monitoring technique to develop reflexivity in communication with listeners and with senior officers.
Keywords: adaptation, initial training, psychological comfort
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Issue: 6, 2020
Series of issue: Issue 6
Pages: 214 — 219
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