DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-18-23
The article analyzes the experience of educational activities of the school in the framework of the experimental program of ecological and patriotic education. Based on the state standard and taking into account national characteristics, the educational system of the school is aimed at developing student‘s ecological culture, patriotism, which consists of a responsible attitude to the nature of the native land, to the historical past of the Motherland, and education of civic responsibility. Environmental responsibility and civil responsibility have common tasksprotection of native nature from the harmful influence of people, preservation of monuments of the Fatherland and nature. Ecological culture-the quality of a person, the degree of moral attitude to the world around them, to nature, a sense of responsibility for the ecological state of their country, their small homeland. The experimental program is based on interdisciplinary and systematic approaches that involve: orientation to the development of personal qualities of the student, comprehensive personal development, active involvement in environmental and patriotic activity. The system-activity approach is a modern approach to the organization of the educational process, in which the student’s cognitive activity is accompanied by practical activities, and their own creative experience is acquired. The content of the organization of educational work is revealed, personal indicators of the result of educational work are indicated. To the pedagogical conditions of increase of efficiency of ecological and Patriotic education are: to integrate environmental and patriotic education, the use of ethnocultural means of education, the process of ecological and patriotic education of students involves the use of active forms and methods of educational work. The article presents the diagnostic result of improving the level of education and the model of a school graduate as a result of educational activities. The main characteristics identified are: environmental and civil responsibility, interest in ethno-ecological knowledge, responsiveness, social and creative activity. The results of participation in competitions and Olympiads within the framework of the ecological and patriotic program are considered.
Keywords: ecological culture, ecological and patriotic education, experimental pedagogical activity
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 18 — 23
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