DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-24-28
The proposed article examines the problem of rehabilitation of convicts who completed compulsory education at the colony school (hereinafter referred to as a penitentiary-type school), which is urgent for modern society, by means of additional school education. The psychological aspects of the personality of prisoners, important for resocialization, are analyzed, on the basis of which an assumption is made about the usefulness of studying robotics at school in correctional colonies. The key characteristics of both the subject of robotics itself and the attitude of prisoners to the study of this field are touched upon. Using the example of students from one of the school classes, the effectiveness of the influence of robotics on the emotional state of prisoners is shown, which motivates them to study the rest of the subjects of the main educational program of the school. The experiment was carried out on the basis of a municipal educational institution at a colony in the city of Tomsk, which clearly shows a significant improvement in the quality of assimilated knowledge by prisoners. The results of the experiment are presented.
Keywords: Robotics, student prisoners, education, government-owned school, resocialization
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 24 — 28
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