DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-111-121
In this article, the authors consider a psychological and pedagogical problem – the possibility of electronic control-monitoring of the dynamics of the development of cognitive abilities of students. At the same time, the cognitive abilities of a person from a psychological point of view are understood as an integral system construction. The cognitive sphere of an individual, according to the authors of this article, is not limited to intelligence, but it is its fundamental component, as well as cognitive abilities, having their own specific functions, form a single system with individual psychological characteristics. This is the methodological position of the authors of the article. Special attention is drawn to the conceptual construct of the text presented. It is emphasized that an interdisciplinary approach to research can provoke terminological inaccuracy. In this regard, the authors pay close attention to the categorical apparatus, the correct interpretation of terms that provide the semantic basis for interdisciplinary research. The article substantiates the need to develop a comprehensive computer program. It is noted that a complex software can provide electronic monitoring and correction of the values of integral psychological indicators of the formation of cognitive functional connections in the psychological structure of the cognitive sphere of students’ personality in real-time mode.
Keywords: electronic monitoring, cognitive sphere, structure, personality, software
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 111 — 121
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