DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-1-152-166
In the objective processes of integration and unification in the field of education, each national system relies on the existing potential and accumulated domestic experience. The purpose of this article is to reconstruct and generalize the experience of the Far Eastern authorities in reforming teacher education and teacher training institutions during the Civil War. The main source for writing the work was archival materials stored in the funds of the Russian State Historical Archive of the Far East. The Ministry of Public Education of the Provisional Siberian Government has repeatedly raised the issues of transformation of the teacher training system, but no substantive bill was adopted. Since 1919, Ministry of National Education of the government of A.V. Kolchak dealt with education, and this period is associated with the increased decentralization of management and the introduction of the institute of commissioners. Since the end of 1920, the regional governments operating in the Far East formed a policy towards pedagogical educational institutions under the influence of the ideas of the People’s Commissariat of Education. Regional authorities, despite their desire to democratize governance institutions, have not been able to overcome the inertia of accumulated problems in the field of education. The legislative activity of the Ministry of Public Education of the Provisional Siberian Government was ineffective and short-term. With the transition of the Far Eastern territories under the jurisdiction of local government bodies, regional departments of public education followed the path of reforming individual pedagogical educational institutions. On the path of the reform, the government of the Far Eastern Republic has moved a little further than the Siberian Government. The reforms were based on the soviet principles of school development. As the general crisis intensified, the local authorities took less and less into account the opinions of the professional pedagogical community, and more and more often the changes were of a prescriptive nature. As a result of ill-considered reconstructions of teachers’ institutes and seminaries, the system of teacher education that required reforms but was well-coordinated and developing, was destroyed, replaced with ineffective transitional and limited forms that cost significant organizational and financial efforts, and the planned reforms were not implemented properly.
Keywords: history of teacher education in Siberia, educational reforms, Khabarovsk Teachers‘ Institute, Chita Institute of Public Education, Far Eastern State Pedagogical Academy named after Ushinsky, Khabarovsk Pedagogical Courses II, Civil war in the Far East
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Issue: 1, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 1
Pages: 152 — 166
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