DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-160-169
The relevance of the article is due to the fact that cognitive learning theories are the most recognized in modern domestic didactics. They act as a psychological and pedagogical substantiation of didactic systems that implement the values of cognition and the development of students’ cognitive abilities, when training is based on the direct experience of students, its expansion in the course of search, research, active development of the world. The following positions are proposed as prerequisites for the development of cognitive didactics in the context of personality development in the era of digitalization of education: the need to take into account the directions of transformation of the higher education system: educational goals, forms of education, teaching methods, management tools; focus on solving the general goal of transforming the educational process at the present stage of development of higher education – on the generation of knowledge; the use of the regularities of functioning and the formation of mechanisms of cognition of students in the process of realizing the systemforming goal of cognitive didactics – the effective cognitive organization of a person; generation of professionally oriented knowledge in the context of the transition to the construction of holistic life-pedagogical situations within the framework of the situational approach as a theoretical and methodological strategy focused on solving cognitive problems; the use of cognitive tools in the process of implementing the situational-event mechanism of the formation of the personality structures of students’ cognition within the framework of the student’s educational activity.
Keywords: cognitive didactics, digitalization of education, cognitive modeling, pedagogical situation, cognition, thinking, control, educational and cognitive process, interaction of subjects, cognitive organization of a student, thinking, transformation of education, situational approach, situational-event mechanism, knowledge constructs, situational maps, cognitive styles
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 160 — 169
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