DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-45-56
The purpose of this experimental study is to summarize and analyze the experience of formation a narrative composition of assembling type in a children’s art school, implemented by adapting the methodological developments of the teacher of Tomsk State Pedagogical University S. P. Lazarev on the painting and graphic composition. The relevance of this study is due to educational aspects related to the study of methods of working on easel narrative composition in children’s art school (elementary level of fine arts education). The stable laws of composition, which have been in force for a long time in the history of fine arts, are universal, and the compositional rules and techniques by which the composition is built can be classified as less stable. The creation of an easel composition is first of all the construction of a single art work, the main idea of which is read clearly and convincing. Teaching of composition in children’s art school has some contradiction: on the one hand, requirements to the quality of students training are constantly growing, on the other hand, approaches in teaching the construction of easel narrative composition remain the same, representing, as a rule, a linear scheme of development of story narrative. The event is depicted in a linear perspective system and does not allow full use of the potential of the students’ fantasy. At present, the methods of teaching easel composition, which create conditions for the development of creative thinking of students, are of particular relevance. There are many approaches to the creation of an easel narrative composition, studied, described and applied by artists: for example, assembling is successfully used in the training of students of specialized universities (including Tomsk State Pedagogical University). The problem is that there is no method of teaching students of art schools an easel narrative composition using an assembling method (conditionally such a composition can be called a narrative composition of assembling type). The description of the principles of working with children on the easel narrative composition of the assembling type within the framework of the studying under the additional pre-vocational program “Painting” can be useful to teachers of art schools, teachers of general education schools, teachers of specialized universities and Secondary Specialized Educational Institutions, as well as artists interested in children’s creativity, participating in the jurying of competitions of children’s works.
Keywords: linear diagram of composition construction, assembling diagram of composition construction, collage, assembling, easel narrative composition of assembling type
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 45 — 56
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