DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-37-44
This article highlights the competitive olympiad activity as one of the tools of the educational process. The authors analyzed the participation of students of the FEFU branch in Nakhodka in competitions and olympiads for the period of 2019. Forms of participation in such competitive olympiad activities are presented. The importance of such events is shown. The use of competitive olympiad activity enables the teacher to unleash the creative potential and intellectual activity of the student. It is shown that, on the whole, such activity will increase interest in learning, motivates to participate in research activities, the ability to apply methods of creative activity in further studies is being formed, the ability to independently search and solve practical problems, to rational activity is developing. By participating in various events of this kind (especially when different areas of knowledge are affected), you can increase student performance. We also note that during such events, the communicative component between the students and the teacher increases, which at the same time can be a subject teacher and the head of a competition or olympiad. It has been noted that recently, such activities in the branch are gaining momentum, and the number of competitions and contests and the participants themselves is increasing annually. After participating, in such external events, students begin to realize that they need to constantly strive for selfdevelopment and increase their skill level. The authors highlighted the difficulties that students encounter in preparing for competitive olympiad activities and shows the role of the leader (curator, tutor, etc.) in solving these difficulties. When analyzing the competitionolympiad activity, it was revealed that the olympiads are disciplinary in nature, and the competitions are creative and research in nature, some are directly related to the chosen specialty.
Keywords: competition, olympiad, competitive olympiad activity, diploma, certificate, student
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 37 — 44
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