DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-87-93
The article deals with the application of distance learning technologies in the organization of professional training of future primary school teachers. The authors analyze the main trends in the preparation of students of the pedagogical direction in the university. One of the main trends is the formation of the ability to use and creatively process educational technologies in the course of their professional activities. Taking into account this trend and the results of the survey of students allowed the authors to identify the need to use new distance learning technologies. As an example of the effective use of distance learning technologies, the authors describe the work on the creation of an electronic journal by students. This type of work made it possible to involve students in educational activities. In addition, students have gained experience in the use of distance learning technologies. The researchers think that participation of students in this work takes on a new meaning in their professional training, acting not only as a means of evaluating the acquired knowledge, skills, but also as a resource for developing their subject-methodical competencies and educational actions. The article is of interest to teachers of colleges and higher educational institutions and also students of pedagogical specialties.
Keywords: distance education technologies, compatibility, primary school teachers, students, professional training
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 87 — 93
Downloads: 674