DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-181-188
The analysis of the problem of development of independence in senior preschool age is presented. The urgency of purposeful psychological and pedagogical work with often ailing children and their families has been substantiated. The results of diagnostics of independence of 73 healthy and 73 often ailing children 5–7 years old are presented, a comparative analysis of the data obtained was carried out. Statistical analysis of the results obtained allows us to conclude that the average values of the numerical expressions of the development of independence are higher in the group of healthy children compared to the group of frequently ill children. The study of the reliability of differences in factual material in different age groups: children 5–6 years old and 6–7 years old showed that, with age, the development of independence of frequently ill children begins to lag significantly behind the development of the studied indicator in healthy children. Distinguish the determinants of the development of independence of often ailing children: insufficiency of professional development of independence in preschool education and spontaneity of raising children’s independence in the family. The directions of providing support to children and parents in the development of independence of often ailing children 5–7 years old are formulated.
Keywords: often ailing children, will, strong-willed personality traits, independence, self-control, preschool educational organization, family, family education, special health opportunities
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 181 — 188
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