DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-23-28
This article actualizes the problem of improving the quality of school education in the modern educational environment. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of General Education and the competence-based approach, one of the tasks is the student’s research position. Consequently, one of the results of high-quality education is the formation of research competence among senior pupils. The authors cite various characteristics and definitions of the concept of “research competence” given by wellknown researchers as V. A. Bolotov, I. A. Zimnyaya, A. K. Markova, A. V. Khutorskoy, etc. Theoretical concepts based on the position of the systemic, competence-based, activity-based approaches are consistent with the results of published pedagogical research in this area. The conditions under which the formation of research competence is effective are the involvement of students in their own research activities, as well as the presence in the content of the discipline of a problem-oriented and regional context, which is necessary for the formation of research methods of cognitive activity. As an illustration of these provisions, the development of a student’s research project is presented, in which an effective pedagogical technology is demonstrated in dynamics, which has a direct impact on the research competence of students in classes in which natural sciences are studied in depth. An example of the presented project shows how it is possible to realize research competence in the conditions of in-depth study of natural science disciplines within the framework of the model of interaction between school and university, as well as the possibility of enriching the content of the teaching of high school students in classes with in-depth study of natural sciences with tasks with a regional component and focused on the development of mental operations, on the structuring of theoretical knowledge.
Keywords: research competence, involvement in research activities, regional context, school-university interaction
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 23 — 28
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