DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-29-36
The patriotic education of the younger generation is still relevant in modern educational system. There are a lot of multicultural regions. In order to form a socially active and tolerant personality special attention should be paid to the formation of the local history competence of schoolchildren. And according to the trends towards the activation of research activities in the educational space of students the formation of local history competence becomes not only a necessary condition of modernity, but also a fascinating process for pupils. The issue of formation of the local history competence of schoolchildren is under consideration. Research activity is defined as a tool in forming this competence. The purpose of the study is to show the educational potential of research activity in the context of the formation of the local history competence of students of the secondary school. The significance of the work is explained by the fact that the process of forming local history competence is based on the research activities of students. The work is carried out on the basis of general provisions of logic, theory of cognition, psychology and pedagogy using methods of theoretical analysis, questionnaire, testing, analysis and generalization of practical experience, pedagogical experiment. The theoretical analysis of works of leading researchers on the problem of formation of the local history competence allowed to consider formation of this schoolchildren competence in the integrated connection with the research activity. Examples of formation of the local history competence in students are given. The empirical data obtained from a pedagogical experiment aimed at identifying the educational potential of the research activity in the context of the formation of the local history competence are analysed. The local history competence is considered as a polycompetence. Accordingly to this the result of the formation of the local history competence is presented as the sum of combinations of mastery of the allocated competences. The results obtained during the pedagogical experiment reveal a positive trend in the formation of the local history competence of schoolchildren. Thus the number of subjects with a high level of the local history competence in the course of research works increased from 10 to 34 per cent. In the course of the study, the features of the formation of local history competence of students in the process of research activities are identified, the educational potential of research activities is indicated.
Keywords: research activity, formation of the local history competence, the local history competence, competence, study of the local history
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 29 — 36
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