DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-115-123
The article examines the sociocultural approach as the basis of modern education focused on the individual in the fullness of his cultural and reproductive activity. The relationship between the socio-cultural approach and the museum is investigated, which determines the change in the educational activity of the latter. In accordance with the demands of society, museum communication as a method of interaction with a person in the educational practice of the museum becomes paramount. Museum communication and the process of its transformation in the digital age is a key concept for studying the mechanisms of modernization of the educational activities of the museum. In turn, communicative processes transform the content and results of education in the museum, giving it personally meaningful meanings. The semantic field of the content of museum education becomes the basis for communication, and the museum visitor is a representative of one or another point of view on cultural phenomena. The museum, being at the junction of various sciences (pedagogy, psychology, museology, art history), sees its goal not so much in the expansion of knowledge, but in the development of the value apparatus, attitudes, and creative abilities of the individual. Consequently, the appropriation by an individual of the diversity of sociocultural experience becomes a key task of the educational activities of the museum.
Keywords: socio-cultural approach, educational activities of the museum, museum, communication, education
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 118 — 123
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