DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-81-86
The article studies the functioning of the electronic information and educational environment in the university and presents the means of information and communication technologies. Based on the analysis of federal educational standards, the requirements of educational standards for providing students with access to electronic library systems and electronic information and educational environment are determined. The characteristics of the elements that allow using Moodle are given: BigBlueButton videoconferences, seminars, tests, polls, video lectures. The results of the study are described, according to which, it was concluded that the preparation of interactive tasks and the development of teaching materials in the EEEP takes teachers twice as long as preparing for similar classes in the classroom, and when interviewing students, the following fact was revealed that the more academic hours the teacher pays to individual work, the less interesting the course is, and, accordingly, the lower the level of knowledge. It is concluded that e-learning and learning with the use of distance learning technologies are a given, that all participants in the educational process need to accept and adapt as much as possible in their activities, which is associated both with the conditions for the implementation of the educational process during the pandemic, and with the digitalization of education in general.
Keywords: distance learning technologies, e-learning, higher education, vocational education, electronic information and educational environment
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 81 — 86
Downloads: 688