DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-170-180
The problem of the individual’s adaptability to the changed life conditions as a result of the life-changing events is considered in the article. The measures of adaptability are the following: “behavioral regulation”, “communicative skills”, “moral normativity”. The indicators of adaptability are “resistance to stress”, “depression”, “anxiety”, “copings”. As a way to activate adaptability the programme of psychological correction is actualized. Two groups of respondents took part in the study. Representatives of one group participated in a long-term psychological correction programme. Representatives of another group preferred to cope with the consequences of life-changing events without professional psychological help. Psychodiagnostic procedures was put into practice in both groups in two stages. At the first stage each group was diagnosed on adaptability and indicators of adaptability. The second stage of psychodiagnostic measurements was in each group after the respondents of psychocorrection programme completed their work. The dynamics of adaptability was recorded by comparing the results of the first and second stage measurements in each group. It is established that as a result of psychocorrection new adaptive models of person’s functioning who faced a life-changing event are formed. The level of anxiety and severity of depressive states decreases, the personal adaptive potential and resistence to stress increases, constructive ways of coping behaviour are activated. The psychological phenomenon of the multipolar connection between men’s and women’s adaptability experiencing the consequences of life-changing events with their neuropsychiatric stability, depressive tendencies and anxiety is found. In the process of psychocorrection work, an attitude is formed to actively overcome critical events and cope with their negative consequences, proactive coping strategies are activated, aimed at active goal-setting, attracting social resources to receive support and resolve existing problematic life situations.
Keywords: adaptability, life-changing events, psychological correction
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 170 — 180
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