DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-154-159
In the work briefly deals with the concept of “professional development», which involves a professional choice, a line of career, features of professional behaviour at work, professional achievements, satisfaction from the process and results of labor, efficiency of educational behavior of personality change or stability of the workplace, the profession. The article reveals the process of expanding the professional and personal development of students studying for a master’s degree, which ensures a high level of professional productivity in the future. On the basis of empirical research, the subjective motives of admission and difficulties encountered on the way of undergraduates were determined. Therefore, master’s degree training should be focused not only on the formation of the readiness of undergraduates of a technical University for professional activity, but also on the training of a highly qualified specialist with developed personal qualities. As a result, it turned out that successful learning requires a productive relationship and constructive communication between the teacher and the student. For undergraduates, the teacher should pay more attention to undergraduates who come from other areas of training, organize additional consultations for them as an individualized form of acquiring knowledge and experience, and constructively use the hours allocated for independent work to organize cooperation with students.
Keywords: master’s degree, professional development, professional activity, personal development, higher school
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 154 — 159
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