DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-144-153
The high dynamics of social and economic changes in the country and in the world gives rise to the need to respond to them in the system of vocational education, including university education. Determining the content of training a future teacher of technology and creating optimal conditions for its effective process requires taking into account both the general trends in the development of the vocational education system and the continuously occurring changes in the content of the subject area “Technology”, its specifics. The general tendencies of development in the vocational education system include: the peculiarities of the organization of social and pedagogical support of a student to initiate his activity in the process of mastering professional experience; a change in the focus of vocational education from public to personality-oriented; human development in the profession and the student’s dialogue with the diversity of cultures; redefining the relationship between education and training; stages of appropriation by the future teacher of the experience of professional activity as a process of self-design and self-realization of the image of future pedagogical activity; appropriation of the values of the profession as an integral part of the image of “I am a teacher”. The next group of features follows from the content of the educational area “Technology”. For the future technology teacher, this content serves as a guideline for the synthesis of scientific knowledge of all academic subjects as an example of their use in various areas of human activity. This means that a technology teacher must be ready to carry out economic, environmental, technological education and information support of this process; teach inventive problem solving, form design and other skills. Also, a feature of the educational field “Technology” is the fact that the programs in this subject provide for relative freedom in the choice of educational material, depending on local and regional conditions, the working environment, the desires of parents and children, the qualifications and professionalism of the teacher, etc. It is the teacher of technology that will have to form students have ideas about the production, sale and consumption of material goods; about the culture of work and life; about the necessity and peculiarities of professional selfdetermination by every citizen of the state, but the main thing is to form the non-verbal sphere of a person.
Keywords: preparation of a future teacher of technology, professional development, educational process, specificity of training content
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 144 — 153
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