DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-75-80
During the transition to distance learning in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and time pressure, a number of problems arise associated with the introduction of the use of digital technologies in the educational process, which can be classified into psychological, technical, organizational, technological and methodological. The experience of rendering assistance to the general education system in solving psychological, organizational, technological and methodological problems within the framework of the projects of the nonprofit volunteer association TSPU “Technovolunteers of Education” is described. The work of TSPU students in the Center for Educational Assistance in providing consulting services of a subject and technical nature to schoolchildren and parents when doing homework, as well as the Detachment of digital volunteers who travel to schools and help teachers in mastering new educational technologies are described in detail. The projects of the Association TSPU “Technovolunteers of Education” are socially significant. They are aimed at the formation of new pedagogical competencies associated with the use of the modern digital environment of a single educational space in the educational process and based on the concept of joint activities. In addition to the main projects of the association “Technovoloters Education” TSPU, volunteers can be involved as organizers’ assistants in various events held by TSPU or its partners.
Keywords: digital transformation of education, digital volunteering, technical volunteer, volunteering, digital literacy of a teacher, digital learning tools, distance learning
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 75 — 80
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