DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-9-15
The problems of professional orientation of children of primary school age are considered. For the introduction to the course of the studied problems, various views and approaches to the definition of the concept of “career guidance” and its components are described. The results of studying the level of knowledge about the professions of primary school students in St. Petersburg are presented. It is determined that the semantic content of the concept of “profession” for students is abstract and unclear, and also the lack of awareness of children in general about the world of professions is established. To obtain reliable and complete information, the results of the responses to the questionnaires of primary school students and their parents are compared. Based on the obtained research data, it is concluded that it is difficult for the participants of the experiment – younger schoolchildren to imagine themselves in the professional future. Attention is focused on the need to improve and systematize the work on the formation of complete knowledge of primary school students about professions through the implementation of an appropriate program in the course of primary school education. This program, based on the full interaction of adults and children, is focused not only on expanding children’s knowledge about the world of professions, but also fully taking into account their motives and interests, which ultimately can affect the quality of the educational process.
Keywords: career guidance, organization of vocational guidance, elementary school students
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 9 — 15
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