DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-2-16-22
In 2020, educational organizations switched to a forced remote format and the learning process changed. The author described the changes in approaches to the organization of events for the presentation of the results of children’s research work. In this article, the researcher showed different options for organizing contests and conferences for children remotely. A description of the experience of the children’s research competition at the Tomsk State Pedagogical University is presented, where the participants sent video recordings of their reports. The experience of holding a children’s conference in the gymnasium No. 29 in Tomsk is described. When analyzing the author took into account: how many participants, the ability to remotely attend participants from other places, the possibility of discussing reports, the possibility of using visual material, demonstrations. Conducting contests in the format of videoconferences and video recordings of children’s public speeches is a new effective format for presenting the results of children’s research. This form can help motivate children, increase their research interest and cognitive activity. This is important in an environment where live communication is impossible. The author presented the advantages and disadvantages of face-to-face, distance, and mixed formats of educational events as presented in children’s research.
Keywords: research papers competition, research activities of children, full-time, distance and mixed formats of children’s competitions and conferences
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Issue: 2, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 2
Pages: 16 — 22
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