DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-3-143-153
The article focuses on the effectiveness of traditional assessment tools applied in higher education for teaching generation Z, considering the fact that the new generation of students has its own characteristics, including increased anxiety and lack of long-term forecasting skills. These features, combined with the intuitive use of the Internet, reduce the effectiveness of traditional written tests, giving way to more interactive methods. The authors suggest a number of modern tools suitable for the formative and summative assessment in both classroom and remote learning, highly demanded during the pandemic: Quizlet multimedia cards, Learningapps small interactive modules, the Edpuzzle platform for video files, online testing services of Kahoot! and Class Marker, as well as Mentimeter interactive presentations service. The indisputable advantage of the listed applications is their intuitiveness, and therefore they do not require long training for using them, and they also can reduce the time spent on the preparation and evaluation of students’ tests. The proposed interactive assessment tools imply an active use of smartphones by students and have a positive effect on their motivation, help them form a proper idea of their own progress and integrate digital technologies into the educational process, which in itself is already a priority for the modern education system.
Keywords: assessment tools in higher education, information technology for teaching, generation Z, digital learning environment, foreign language teaching, non-linguistics majors
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Issue: 3, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 3
Pages: 143 — 153
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