DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-25-32
The author actualizes the problem of ensuring the continuity of educational activity in the pedagogical system of general education with a target focus on the educational independence of students. In the context of the discreteness of the Russian educational system, the stage of the student’s transition from primary school to basic school is defined by the author as a strategically important period in solving the indicated problem, which consists in creating a complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions at the transitional stage of general education, considered as a combination of external and internal circumstances of educational activity, aimed at the continuous development of educational independence of students. The scientific novelty of the research carried out by the author lies in the development of a model for the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the continuous development of educational independence of students, including conceptual, content-activity and effective modules. A feature of the author’s model is the integration of functional blocks that interact with each other through the developed mechanisms and implementation tools and show what organizational and pedagogical conditions must be met in order for the tasks to be solved and the functions described by the blocks to be realized. The purpose of the article is to describe a model for the implementation of organizational and pedagogical conditions for the continuous development of students’ independence in educational activities at the stage of transition from primary school to basic school. As a result of the experimental verification of the model, it was proved that the complex of organizational and pedagogical conditions (managerial, methodological, design, technological) identified by the author ensures the continuity of the student’s educational independence during his transition from the primary to the basic level of general education. The study was carried out by the method of natural experiment within the framework of experimental work, the results of which are confirmed by statistical data. The article is intended for researchers, specialists in the field of pedagogy, practicing teachers, students of pedagogical universities.
Keywords: educational independence, organizational and pedagogical conditions (managerial, methodological, design, technological), model
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 25 — 32
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