DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-76-82
The article considers the set of requirements for a teacher of a general education school in the format of a teacher’s professionogram, and the resources of the educational practice of a pedagogical university aimed at forming the professional competence of a graduate. The purpose of the study is to summarize the experience and present a model vision of the author’s psychological and pedagogical workshop as a dispersed training course for the future teacher. The material of the study was: the results of the survey of students of the pedagogical university of the final courses and teachers of the basic schools of the Tomsk State Pedagogical University, as well as the psychological and pedagogical workshop developed by the author. On the basis of the presented survey data, the resources for the development of the content of pedagogical education are identified, and a psychological and pedagogical workshop is proposed as one of the mechanisms for solving the problem of actual professional training of future teachers. Based on the analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature and the experience of the approach to the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical workshop, the format of the practice-oriented organization of the course is chosen, based on a combination of several variants of educational activities (educational activities for the study of theoretical information, educational modeling, design and construction, educational interaction and independent work during pedagogical practice), the logic of the distribution of educational material into variable and invariant modules is described. The psychological and pedagogical workshop as an element of creating a practice-oriented educational environment allows for the internal relationship between subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological courses, contributing to the formation of pedagogically significant qualities of a graduate of a pedagogical university.
Keywords: teacher’s professionogram, professional competencies, psychological and pedagogical practical training, modeling, design, construction
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 76 — 82
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