DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-83-89
Modern requirements for military professional activity dictate the need to involve servicemen in an active self-education process. As part of the study of the purposeful formation of the given qualities of servicemen, it is envisaged to identify and characterize the patterns and principles of the implementation of the proces s under study. The article examines the author’s presentation of the patterns and principles of the implementation of the pedagogical process for the formation of self-educational competence in military personnel in the course of daily military service. The identification of pedagogical patterns is carried out by studying the process features of the phenomenon under study, determining the driving forces and internal contradictions and relying on the theoretical and methodological foundations of the study. Regularities are substantiated, provisions are revealed that affect the effective design of the process under study. The revealed patterns of the process of formation of readiness for self-educational activity are grouped according to the nature of manifestation, attributive patterns, patterns of conditionality and effectiveness are highlighted. The implementation of the projected pedagogical process is subject to certain principles that perform a regulatory function. The principles define the rules by which its implementation is possible and on which its effectiveness depends. The identification of pedagogical principles was carried out on the basis of the revealed patterns of the process under study, taking into account the requirements of objectivity, consistency, consistent addition, the orientation of each principle to resolve a certain contradiction, the possibility of improving the process under study. The article formulates and describes the general and specific principles governing the organizational and procedural aspects of the educational process, the activities of the subjects and external relations, which determine the effectiveness of the projected pedagogical process in the formation of the readiness of military personnel for self-educational activities. The described patterns and principles that ensure scientific character in the provisions contained in them reflect the characteristics of the phenomenon under study and reveal the procedures for its implementation.
Keywords: Self-education of military personnel, the formation of self-educational competence, patterns, principles
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 83 — 89
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