DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-99-107
The article deals with topical issues of assessing the quality of training results of foreign students. The article presents the psychological and pedagogical prerequisites for the emergence of the competence-based approach in education. The article analyzes the legal framework for the introduction of a point-rating system of assessment in an educational organization. The relevance of the study is emphasized by the selected control group of foreign students, who are one of the markers of the effectiveness of an educational organization. The contradiction between the requirements of the competence approach in education and the capabilities of the system for assessing the quality of knowledge of foreign students is revealed: the traditional assessment system does not allow solving the problem of individualizing the learning process of foreign students. In this regard, the advantage of the national-oriented approach in the training of foreign students is noted. The article analyzes the mental and psychological-pedagogical features of teaching foreign students in a multinational training group. The advantage of the formative-evaluating function over the evaluation function in the methodological system of evaluating foreign students is revealed. The requirements for the levels of training of students in an educational organization in the context of the competence approach are given. The effectiveness of the national-oriented approach in assessing the learning outcomes of foreign students is confirmed by the results of the pedagogical experiment. In order to implement the formative-evaluating function of the point-rating system of assessment, the method of calculating the Grade Point Average was applied.
Keywords: competency approach, national-oriented approach, score-rating evaluation system, forming assessment
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 99 — 107
Downloads: 776