DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-4-199-209
The article examines the moral sphere of deviant and ordinary adolescents from the point of view of their ideas about conscience. The importance of studying the moral aspects of personality in puberty is noted, when a system of internal life values and ideas about oneself is being formed. Conscience is described as a psychological mechanism of morality and its mechanism is the moral regulation of human behavior. As a result of the study, nine basic semantic units of ideas about conscience for the studied sample were identified, such as: conscience as a moral attitude to an act; conscience as a subject of moral education; conscience as a life guide; conscience as a positive phenomenon; conscience as a negative phenomenon; conscience as a regulatory and volitional mechanism; conscience as a mechanism of moral consciousness; conscience as a legal mechanism; conscience as a communicative function. In the study we found that deviant adolescents are less focused on moral prohibitions and their lifestyle is characterized by a struggle between positive and negative influences. For ordinary adolescents, their inner selves seem worthy, interesting, and colorful; they are more likely to raise their (future) children as conscientious people. The social context for adolescents considered as an important foundation on the basis on which an internal system life values and self-image, is formed. However, the social context is considered as one of the determining factors of the specifics of the formation of ideas about conscience, deviant and socio-normative behavior of deviant and ordinary adolescents.
Keywords: conscience, ideas about conscience, puberty, deviant behavior, spiritual and moral sphere, moral behavior
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Issue: 4, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 4
Pages: 199 — 209
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