DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-9-20
The problem of improving the quality of training of future teachers remains relevant, despite numerous reforms in the field of vocational education. Employers, when assessing the competencies of graduates of pedagogical colleges and universities, note the lack of practical training. The graduates themselves note the difficulties in solving many practical issues that arise in the first days of their professional activity. The introduction of new federal state educational standards for secondary vocational education requires changes in the practiceoriented educational process. Modern pedagogical practice remains in fact the only available option for obtaining the primary experience of future teachers. However, many researchers note gaps in the organization of practical training of students. This affects the level of development of professional competencies of graduates. The data of the psychological and pedagogical research on the development of professional competencies of students-teachers are presented in the article. Our research is based on the idea of developing additional training modules aimed at independent practical work of students. Additional training modules offered to students included theoretical information, independent work aimed at creating a methodological development and its practical implementation. During the implementation of the experimental study, the authors diagnosed the expected and subjective increase in the level of development of professional competencies (based on the results of practical training). The results showed that the students who entered the experimental group and performed additional tasks in the course of practice in the studied modules had a slightly higher subjective assessment of the increase in the level of development of professional competencies after the internship than the students of the control group. Further research on these issues will provide more accurate data.
Keywords: professional competencies, production pedagogical practice, students, pedagogical specialties, defectologist, modular training technology, diagnostics of competencies
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 9 — 20
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