DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-21-32
The study of the motives for choosing a teaching profession, the basic structure of the motivational sphere, including speech therapy students, the formation of a realistic idea of the future profession are a necessary condition for training specialists of the new era. Based on the analysis of students’ of full-time and part-time forms of study, from the 1st to the 4th years, motives, the authors identify «core» motives: moral (helping children); motives of a professional and pedagogical orientation (love for children); social (being in demand in the labor market), cognitive (self-realization and self-improvement), material (the possibility of private practice and part-time work) and utilitarian (short working day, long vacation). In the zone of the immediate periphery, social (social significance) and creative (creativity and versatility of the profession) motives turned out to be significant for both groups. Utilitarian motives in the peripheral zone (a separate office, the value of experience in the interests of the family), financial, prestigious (career growth) motives are more represented among students of part-time form of study. The authors analyzed the motives for choosing the profession «speech therapist» and the dynamics of formation of motivational processes from the standpoint of the psychological and pedagogical approach. Researchers have identified motivational criteria, scaling and ranking them using the theory of functional-semantic fields. The researchers identified the factors influencing the dynamics of formation of the motives for choosing a profession: awareness of the choice of a profession, immersion in the educational process, age, form of education.
Keywords: educational and professional motivation of logopaedical students, motives for choosing a profession, motivational field, dynamics of educational and professional motivation of logopaedical students
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 21 — 32
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