DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-58-66
This article is devoted to a theoretical review of the problem of bilingualism as one of the factors that determine the specific difficulties of mastering the Russian language by primary school students. Russian grammar is a leading problem in modern scientific and practical research, and the question of determining the specific difficulties of mastering the Russian language by bilingual students and determining on this basis the features of the methodology of teaching Russian grammar in primary schools in classes with a multi-ethnic composition is particularly relevant. Russian is the main language of the Russian language, and the main language of the Russian language is the Russian language, which determines the difficulties of mastering the subject «Russian language» by bilingual children in primary school. The aim of the study is to find specific comparative characteristics of the Tatar language (the Turkic language group) and Russian. In accordance with the purpose, the linguistic aspects of two language systems are considered: The Russian language and the Tatar language. Russian grammar is an attempt to objectively assess the reasons for the difficulties of mastering the laws of the Russian language on the basis of a comparative analysis of the composition of the Tatar and Russian grammar.
Keywords: student, bilingualism, synharmonism, interference, the Tatar language, grammatical relations, inflection, word formation
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 58 — 66
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