DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-67-77
The article addresses the issue of goal setting in foreign language teaching under conditions of non-specialized educational institutions. The urgency of the matter lies in requirements for the system of foreign language teaching. As popularity of life-long learning is presently growing, the skill of goal setting is considered to be one of the key skills within this paradigm. The article reviews the notion of ‘goal’ from the perspective of such scientific fields as philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. The notion and stages of such notion as goal setting is considered in the article. Levels of proficiency in goal setting are described as well. The skill of goal setting should be developed from the moment when learning starts. From the point of both a teacher and a learner, awareness of the inner structure of goal setting process first of all helps to find a correct learning path, to select the appropriate means, teaching techniques, methods and resources. Secondly, goal setting is a skill which has to be developed systematically with the help of teaching exercises and tasks. It is thus necessary to have satisfactory knowledge of what is the process of action in general, what characteristics it possesses and what role is given to goal setting within it.
Keywords: life-long learning, goal, goal setting, teaching, learning, foreign language teaching, action
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 67 — 77
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