DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-78-86
The article analyzes the role and place of the cadet component as an element of the system of pre-university military education, its historical analysis, current state and prospects. The main prerequisites for the revival of cadet education, its social significance, as well as the problems of implementation and scaling of the cadet component on the basis of general educational institutions are formulated. The main types of cadet organizations – «cadet corps (school)», «cadet school», «cadet class» are considered, their definitions and brief characteristics are given. Described in more detail is such a type of cadet organization as the «cadet class», its advantages, prospects and the procedure for organizing and functioning in the educational space of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. This article identifies social partnership as the basic principle of interaction between Rosgvardia and educational institutions, and also defines the procedure for formalizing such interaction and further regular pedagogical and methodological support. The main tasks of teaching young people in the cadet classes of the Russian Guard are outlined, among which are the formation of the moral, psychological and physical qualities of the pupil; – education of patriotism, respect for the historical and cultural past of Russia and the National Guard; – study of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of state defense; – study of the basics of military service security, the device and rules for handling small arms, the basics of tactical, tactical-special, drill training and other special items. Conceptual for the study is the provision that the cadet class is a young and actively developing phenomenon in pedagogy, which has already proven its effectiveness in the militarypatriotic education of young people and the formation of military-professional orientation of students, which determines its relevance and relevance in the educational environment.
Keywords: cadet, cadet component, cadet classes, cadet education, military-patriotic education, orientation towards military service
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 78 — 86
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