DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-120-129
The current standards of higher technical education provide for the development of universal competencies of students (groups of competencies “Communication”, “Intercultural interaction”), which should be implemented within the framework of the study of the discipline “Foreign language” and, accordingly, reflected in the content of educational support. As a few decades ago, and today, future engineers and university teachers of foreign languages recognize the inadequacy of teaching foreign language communication only in everyday and professional spheres. The sociocultural approach in foreign language teaching is well characterized in scientific research, and the content of most contemporary school textbooks on foreign languages is saturated with relevant topics and language material. At the same time, the problems of implementing this approach in the content of textbooks for universities, especially technical ones, remain relevant and insufficiently studied. The purpose of the study is to compare, analyze the content of domestic and foreign (authentic) university textbooks in English and German for students of technical universities, published in the current century, for the socio-cultural component of their content (topics, speech material, sociocultural commentary, etc.). In total, the author of the article analyzed 40 textbooks of this direction. The results obtained can be taken into account by the developers of the corresponding university educational literature, teachers of foreign languages of technical universities.
Keywords: foreign language teaching, technical university, university textbooks, textbooks on foreign languages, content of textbooks, socio-cultural component
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 120 — 129
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