DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-130-137
According to the standards of higher education, a graduate of a pedagogical university is obliged to conduct a pedagogical study and draw it up in the text of the final qualification work. However, analysis of the works shows that for many future teachers, writing a scientific text causes significant difficulty. The questionnaire revealed typical difficulties and reasons for their occurrence, which are due, on the one hand, to the lack of experience in writing in the process of studying vocational training disciplines. On the other hand, it is not the willingness of students to reflect on the process of speech activity and its products, and also not to own ways of organizing independent work. Typical mistakes in the creation of the text of the graduation work were revealed: the lack of a communicative task, the lack of compliance with the logic and relationship of parts of the text, the inclusion of unprocessed materials from primary sources, the lack of own judgment on the topic being studied. Directions in teaching written scientific speech in the preparation process at the university are indicated: inclusion of tasks in all disciplines of training, programs of pedagogical practices involving writing a text of a scientific style, the use of educational technologies focusing on the use of written text as a result of training. It is concluded that training in the writing of the text of the final qualification work involves the consistent involvement of students in the mastery of the culture of written scientific speech, as well as the experience of the research activity of the teacher.
Keywords: scientific written speech, final qualification work, creation of written text
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 130 — 137
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