DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-138-147
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the training of a transprofessional in the conditions of a professional pedagogical university on the basis of specially prepared sites of the department are presented. Analyzing the accumulated experience, the conclusion arises that it is necessary to study issues (concretization, clarification, updating) from the field of technologyoriented training due to the lack of a holistic view of the formation of the personality of a specialist capable of self-improvement and self-realization in the transdisciplinary areas of machine-building industries. Currently, in professional education, a system of training a specialist with a wide production profile is presented, but it does not sufficiently take into account the structural and content component of technology-oriented activities, the absence of which is compensated by the acquisition of experience already in the conditions of the enterprise (production). The specifics of preparing for the WorldSkills competition on the basis of a transdisciplinary approach are substantiated, the target setting and the result of each component of the activity of the structural and content model are specified. The component composition of the model includes examples of modular tasks developed using the «skills-case» method and are aimed at transprofessional training of contestants in the conditions of simulation sites of the department. The use of the «skills-case» method allows you to prepare a larger number of contestants of the championship at a qualitatively new level in the learning process, as well as in the conditions of practice not only in the chosen profession, but also in related transprofessional areas.
Keywords: transprofessional, «skills-case» method, structural and content model, WorldSkills competition, situational and production tasks
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 138 — 147
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