DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-148-155
The article deals with the problem of actualizing personality-oriented approaches in the system of higher music education as a strategy driven by the challenges of modern culture. It is noted that today the professional environment requires, in addition to mastering performing skills, the formation of the ability for self-development, self-actualization, independent choice of strategies for creative development, adaptive and communication skills and abilities. The constructing by the teacher, together with the student, of an individually creative trajectory of the development of a musician-performer is assessed as a way to achieve these goals. The concept of «individual professional and creative developmental trajectory» of a student as musician-performer through the synthesis of professional and creative competencies and the availability of soft skills has been explicated. The authors propose possible approaches to achieving the set educational goals through the creation of social and pedagogical conditions, such as the primary diagnosis of the student’s musical performance level, the creation of «educational and creative situations», the development by the university the integrated formats of studies, the organization of all types of practices in the context of an individual development trajectory, independent work of a student as a tool for updating the process of forming competencies. The article considers and analyzes the peculiarities of preparation of a musician-performer from the viewpoint of building the dynamics of the learning process as a movement from «subjectobject » to «subject-subject» interactions in the «teacher-student» dyad, which is based on the principle of student-centered educational process. The article suggests and describes possible strategies for building the educational process, the core of which is personalization and self-actualization of the creative potential of a musician-performer; development of motivation for self-organization, self-education, self-development in the preparation of a student; focus on productive adaptation in a professional environment, which involves the integration of professional performing skills and soft skills; unity of preserving domestic traditions of music education and openness to the dynamics of innovative educational strategies.
Keywords: music education, individual professional and creative trajectory of student development, competence-based approach, subjectivity, soft skills, educational environment of the university
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 148 — 155
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