DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-166-172
The article deals with ways of educating undergraduate students how to use electronic textbooks while teaching mathematics in primary education. This education is a relevant approach to increase primary pupils’ information literacy; besides, it shows how important it is for a teacher to be able to use different storage media and interactive multimedia technologies to increase interest in learning and achieve pedagogical goals. The researches collected data from the results of testing and filling in questionnaires by students, who proved to be incompetent of using electronic textbooks on their own lessons at schools because they are not able to: highlight the structural elements of each layer of the textbook, perform navigating, search for interactive and multimedia elements, add their own content, use various models of using this electronic tool in primary education. The article demonstrates general goals, content and three stages of activities undergraduate students should go through to master their skills in defining potential of electronic books and how they contribute into personal growth of a pupil during the lesson. The article describes how bachelors should estimate and use electronic versions. The article presents project tasks and exercises for analysis. It gives examples of professional competencies connected with using electronic textbooks during math lessons in primary schools: searching for pages, justifying the choice of the media library, as well as the stages of the lesson where one can use them, and others.
Keywords: professional education for undergraduate students, electronic textbooks, teaching mathematics in primary education
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 166 — 172
Downloads: 488