DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-173-185
Formation of life plans for a career in the professional and family sphere is the development task of emerging adulthood. The transitivity of modern society and the transformation of the family institution determine the relevance of studying the types of coordination of plans of modern youth in the field of profession and family. The goal is to study the motivational and meaning sphere of young people with various types of coordination of plans for family and professional careers. Tasks: 1) identification of the types of career plans coordination in the family and professional spheres; 2) study of the features of motivation for various types of coordination of career plans; 3) the study of the life-meaning orientations of young people with various types of coordination of career plans. We used the author’s questionnaire «Life plans - family and professional careers» and the life-meaning orientations technique (D.A. Leontiev). The sample consisted of 167 students aged 17 to 22 years. Results. Empirical types of coordination of professional and family career plans (consistency of professional and family careers with their high significance, ego-centering in focusing on a professional career, priority of family career, priority of professional career, negative/disinterested attitude to professional and family spheres) are highlighted. The features of motivation for the professional sphere are revealed: the increase in the importance of the social relevance of the profession and social recognition motives with the coordination of career plans and the priority of personal interests in ego-centering. For the family sphere: an increase in motivation for avoiding loneliness and raising children with the priority of a family career, low motivation for raising children with a priority of a professional career, a negative attitude towards career plans and ego-centering. The consistency of career plans in the professional and family spheres is associated with a high meaningfulness of life, the experience of its fullness with events and achievements.
Keywords: life plans in the time perspective, professional career, family career, meaningfulness of life, emerging adulthood
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 173 — 185
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