DOI: 10.23951/2307-6127-2021-5-186-194
In the present study we compare the construct of disembodiment on the Internet (N. V. Kopteva, A.Ju. Kalugin, L.Ya. Dorfman) based on the clinical conception by the British existential psychologist R. Laing and measured by the same-name technique to the framework consequence of the normative use of the Internet - changes of the psychological borders (E. I. Rasskazova, V. A. Emelin and A. Sh. Tkhostov) assessed by MIG-TS-2 technique. We identified the relationship between measurements of disembodiment and parameters of changes of psychological borders which may indicate that artificial technological split between the mental self and the physical body of a user creates conditions for confusion on the boundary between self and non-self. Expansion and blurring of the borders of an Internet user reinforces virtualizationinduced experiences of depersonalization and loss of reality regardless of whether the technology meets their expectations of availability and controllability of other people, objects and information or doesn’t. Motivation of Internet preference due to the opportunities that independence of the physical body and changes of boundaries present mostly follows the same pattern. Simplicity and easiness of the disembodied technological way of being within the expanded blurry borders makes the Web attractive and explains the relationship between the disembodiment and Internet addiction which can be viewed as distortion of normative technological disembodiment in cases of problematic user’s activity.
Keywords: Disembodiment on the Internet technique, Changes of Psychological Borders when using Technical Devices assessment procedure (MIG-TS-2)
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Issue: 5, 2021
Series of issue: Issue 5
Pages: 186 — 194
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